Dutch Van Der Linde Voice Actor
dutch van der linde voice actor

&220 ber 80 neue Produkte zum Festpreis. Finde jetzt van der linde Dutch van der Linde is a recurring character in the Red Dead series, appearing as a central character and one of the primary antagonists of Red Dead Redemption, as well as a central character in Red Dead Redemption 2.Stop calling all video game performers voice actors. Rockstar is recording scenes for the original Red Dead Redemption and Benjamin Byron Davis, playing the role of Dutch van der Linde, is.

Dutch was born in 1855 to a woman of English descent named Greta and a father of Dutch ancestry somewhere near Philadelphia. At the end of Chapter 6, Micah betrays Arthur, Dutch and the Van der Linde gang by becoming an informant of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency and becomes the main antagonist.Ho, Hoe, Matthews, old man, cowboy, Dutch's BFFDutch Van Der Lindes ego driven nature makes for one of the most interesting antagonists I have ever seen in a video game. Constantly at battle with his own.'This is becoming more and more challenging because when someone comes to you and says:' You are the voice of the Dutch van der Linde, I love you so much ', you do n’t want to say & 39 'Bastard, am I his voice-I made a complete performance record,' Davis said with a smile.Voice Actors language Dutch voices Dutch Voices Hire a Dutch voice and connect. Dutch van der Linde Roger Clark Arthur Morgan Rob Wiethoff John.26th of November, 1826, Enon, Ohio, United States of AmericaKilled by Agent Milton and the Pinkertons during a bank robbery in Saint Dennis" Good old Dutch my best friend. You know how we met? A pair of hucksters trying to rob one another, back in '71 or thereabouts." — Hosea on how he met DutchHosea Matthews is a character featured in Red Dead Redemption 2.Hosea is an outlaw, best friend of Dutch van der Linde, and member of his gang. He met Dutch some time around 1871, when the two men tried to rob one another.

Hosea attempted to rob him only to realize that Dutch likewise had done the same and stolen from him. In the mid-1870s, Dutch met a con artist named Hosea Matthews at a campfire on the road to Chicago. To attain these desires, Dutch began to resort to a life of crime. At the age of 15, he left his home as he was a disobedient child and rarely got along with his mother, who died in 1881 and was buried in Blackwater, although Dutch only found out several years later from an uncle of his.Van der Linde valued freedom and liberties above all else and dreamed of living an independent existence.

Teaching him how to read, write, hunt, fight, shoot and ride becoming their first protégé. The pair decided to take the boy under their wing. On March 9 th, 1877 the pair managed to escape from their cell by unknown means, tying up and robbing the sheriff in the process.Later that year, Dutch and Hosea encountered a 14 year-old street orphan named Arthur Morgan. Unfortunately they were eventually discovered and arrested by Sheriff Carmichael.

In retaliation Colm murdered Annabelle which left Dutch greatly angered and heartbroken over her death. Although the exact reason is unknown, Dutch broke the truce and killed Colm's brother. The two maintained a loose and uneasy partnership as Dutch disliked how Colm treated his own men as disposable, Colm likewise mocked Van der Linde for his philosophy in making a 'better world'. He later ended his relationship with Susan as he met and deeply fell in love with a woman named Annabelle.Some time later Van der Linde met the infamous outlaw named Colm O'Driscoll and the leader of his own gang The O'Driscoll Boys.

dutch van der linde voice actordutch van der linde voice actor

He saw himself as a symbol of the Wild West in its romanticized form, and a humanitarian champion of the people, opposing government control, supporting individual liberty and punishing general human cruelty and selfishness. He fashioned himself into something of a Robin Hood-like figure, taking money from the rich and wealthy who had plenty of it, and giving it to the poor and destitute who needed it. Javier came to value and idolize Dutch's philosophy and became one of his most loyal members.At this time, Dutch was an altruistic and idealistic rogue, believing the gang could make a difference in the world. Alone and starving, Dutch fed him, wrapped him in warm clothing and soon inducted him into the gang.

They come across Micah, who tells Dutch that he found a homestead which appears to have a party going on, and the three head out to investigate. Dutch gives an inspirational speech to the gang and heads out with Arthur to meet up with either John or Micah, who went scouting. The events of Blackwater shook Hosea's faith in Dutch, though he admits that his faith in their mission had been dead for a long time before this.Dutch and his gang reluctantly travel into the heart of the blizzard in a wagon convoy, where they rest up in a small abandoned mining town called Colter. The specifics of the heist are never fully revealed, but it's known that Dutch killed a defenseless young woman named Heidi McCourt during it. Idealistic, anarchic, charismatic, well‐read, well‐lived, but possibly starting to unravel under the pressures of the encroaching modern world.— Rockstar Games' description of Dutch for Redemption 2.The Van der Linde gang attempted an ambitious ferry robbery in Blackwater, but it ended in disaster and the gang was forced to flee into the mountains of Ambarino during a heavy blizzard to escape the heat. By 1899, Dutch was reluctantly starting to realize that the way of life he held so dear was quickly becoming an unrealistic proposition and that the days of the Wild West were coming to an end.The leader of a sizable gang of outlaws and misfits.

The mission is a success, and the gang learns about a Cornwall train traveling nearby and finds dynamite to take it out. Dutch comforts Sadie and puts a blanket around her, before taking her back to camp.A few days later, Dutch and the gang attack some O'Driscolls camped nearby. After searching the house, they find a hysterical victim of the O'Driscolls named Sadie. A shootout erupts, with Dutch, Arthur and Micah eliminating them.

Dutch and Arthur rescue them, before fighting their way out of the town back to camp. During the visit, Leviticus Cornwall and his hired guns capture Strauss and John outside the saloon, and demand that Dutch come outside. Arthur then urges Dutch to relocate, but Van der Linde says that it's merely an attempt to scare the gang into doing something unwise and has the gang stay put for the time being.Dutch and Strauss go to Valentine to see John and Arthur after their rustling of sheep. Knowing he can't go to Strawberry himself due to being wanted in the area, Dutch sends Arthur to break Micah out.Later, Arthur reports to Dutch that he was approached by the Pinkertons, who know roughly where the gang were set up. Now with some money in their pockets, and the spring thaw coming, Dutch decides to finally depart from the mountains.Not long after arriving at the new camp location, Micah is arrested in the town of Strawberry.

If the player wishes, Dutch, Arthur and Hosea can then go fishing. After Arthur re-captures a group of outlaws who escaped, Trelawny is released. They encounter Sheriff Gray who has captured Trelawny, due to him running an illegal gold prospecting operation.

Sometime later, after considerable persuasion from Micah, Dutch decides to attend a “truce” meeting with Colm O'Driscoll. With the help of Archibald, the three gang members succeed in destroying the moonshine operation, earning favor with the Sheriff.

dutch van der linde voice actor